Recent Changes to the Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS): From June 2024

July 12th, 2024 by Jake Waddingham

In June 2024 the UK Government released updated guidance on pre-employment checks for all individuals working for government departments. This guidance is known as the Baseline Personnel Security Standard.

What is the BPSS

Fundamentally, the BPSS standard outlines the controls in place to protect reputation, integrity and financial assets by identifying any risk of identity fraud, illegal working and deception. The BPSS applies to anyone who has access to government assets including; civil servants, contractors, members of the armed forces, temporary staff and suppliers.

What has changed in the latest BPSS guidance?

The new BPSS guidance provides further clarity and has been updated to reflect new and emerging technologies to support pre-employment screening. Overall, the BPSS guidance has been simplified and reduced from 47 to 21 pages.

The main principles of the BPSS have not changed and still include:

a. Identity (ID);

b. Right to Work (RTW) in the UK;

c. Employment History;

d. Criminal record (unspent convictions)

 Key highlights of the main areas updated include:

Clarity around outsourcing BPSS

The guidance provides reassurance that organisations may outsource the entire BPSS process, parts of it or complete the screening in-house. Using a specialist pre-employment screening provider, you can simply request certain elements, such as a DBS check or a digital Right to Work check and combine these checks with the applicant’s verification record. DDC’s services are scalable and part or all of the BPSS elements can be requested.

Importance of using a government approved IDSP

The BPSS guidance has been updated to reflect the introduction of digital identity verification for DBS and Right to Work checks in 2022. The guidance states:

“If organisations use a digital service, they should make their own arrangements with a government approved service provider…”

A list of certified digital identity providers can be found at GOV.UK where DDC can be found as an official digital identity provider.

The guidance also advises that if organisations are to use a digital identity service provider, the employer shall verify the photograph on the provider’s output with the individual presenting themselves for work. To support the compliance of this process, DDC has systemised a digital imposter check upon completion of the digital identity verification, logging and recording all relevant requirements.

Digital documents such as bank statements

The updated BPSS guidance refers to the acceptance of digital documents when completing the ID verification element of the BPSS. However, it is important to note that the ID requirements for criminal record checks including, DBS, Disclosure Scotland and AccessNI DO NOT accept digital documents, which the guidance refers.

Employment history verification

Further clarification around employment history verification has been provided, in particular for gaps of employment. Previous versions of the standard stated ‘Any gaps in employment history (past 3 years) should be investigated.’ Leaving organisations to interpret the term ‘investigated’.

The guidance now states that organisations should obtain ‘references’ or ‘evidence’ for employment gaps of six months or more. Organisations can increase this threshold to meet internal risk appetites where required.

How can DDC support your BPSS checks?

To support organisations with employment history verification for BPSS, DDC utilises an online employment history capture form. This capture form identifies gaps of employment and asks the applicant to provide evidence to ensure organisations comply with BPSS. For example, if an applicant was travelling, acceptable evidence would include; airline tickets, travel booking paperwork, and employment references whilst working abroad.

Whether you need support with all or one of the core elements of BPSS screening, DDC can help you with an all-encompassing online platform.

Benefit from our innovative technology, which includes risk minimisation and fraud detections tools, you can rest assure that you are BPSS compliant. DDC’s team of experienced Case Workers are trained to spot inconsistencies and potential fraud to ensure you have all the information available to make an informed employment decision.

Enquire Now or phone our team on 0116 260 3055