DBS Checks
Read about what DBS checks are, pricing and how you can apply for disclosures on your staff.
Read about what DBS checks are, pricing and how you can apply for disclosures on your staff.
Obtain quick, reliable and professional online DBS Checks (formerly known as CRB checks) from Due Diligence Checking Ltd. Fully certified for the DBS and Disclosure Scotland, we help businesses and organisations ensure compliance and efficiency throughout the checking process.
A DBS check varies in cost depending on the type. When you apply for DBS checks online the three main prices are
DDC offer a variety of different options, see the full list of DBS check and disclosure prices here.
A DBS check, sometimes referred to as a disclosure, is the search of an individual’s criminal history. The Disclosure and Barring Service carries out these checks to help employers make safer hiring decisions. Depending on the level of check requested, it may display convictions, reprimands, cautions or warnings. Additionally, this check can also reveal whether an individual is barred from working with children and/or adults. For Enhanced DBS checks only, the local police force may consider to disclosure ‘Approved Information’. The Police National Computer (PNC) holds this information.
There are three types of DBS Check.
Whether you are an individual applying for a DBS check or a business/ organisation that requires DBS checks for your employees, you can apply for DBS Checks online.
The most efficient, quickest and easiest option is to apply for DBS Checks Online via DDC’s bespoke online portal.
After registration, applicants will be asked to fill out a quick online form and nominate documents to support their application. Once documents have been verified, we will countersign and send off the DBS application. Simple!
If you are an individual living/ working in England or Wales or planning to do so – you can obtain a basic DBS check. Furthermore, we will be able to assist you every step of the way.
DDC provide DBS checking services to all industries needing to check the background of employees or those working with vulnerable groups. Manage all of your checks from one place with DDC.
Accessible 24/7 from your chosen device, the online DBS checking platform allows you to manage your checks from start to finish. Our systems will save you time and resource, which can begin as soon as you apply for DBS Checks Online.
Initiate checks, manage applications, validate identity documents and view results all from one place. If you prefer a paper application route, we can harness our years of experience to drive maximum efficiency for your organisation.
All levels of DBS check can be requested to accommodate all industries and practices from protected roles, safeguarding children and adults checks to general pre-employment checks. We will give you peace of mind that best practice has been followed and the results of a check delivered in a GDPR compliant service to suit your needs.
Are you looking for a registered Umbrella Body that removes the hassle of applying for a DBS Check and guarantees to deliver a secure, reliable and professional service?
As leading experts since 2002, we pride ourselves on offering a fully compliant and reliable DBS checking service delivering:
Get started today – Register your organisation for free
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Utilising DDC’s specialist online DBS checking services you will benefit from:
DDC pride ourselves on providing an efficient and reliable service through the support of a dedicated and experienced Customer Service Team. Quick online results allow you to place new recruits in their role quicker.
Use Digital Identity for your DBS checks today with the DDC ID App. This will streamline the identity checking process for DBS checks making the process more efficient for everyone. Applicants can now use their smart phone to scan and read their chip-enabled British passport, and then use the camera to match the pictures in the document. This allows identity verification to be conducted remotely rather than seeing the physical documents.
To find out more see our Digital Identity page
Both employees (currant and future) and volunteers working in positions of trust can have a DBS check carried out on them. Regardless of job role, all applicants are eligible for a Basic DBS check. When considering higher level checks it is important to consider the applicants individual roles and responsibilities. These considerations include:
Further check level may also disclose additional information. This includes information held on the DBS barred lists for work with Children and/or Vulnerable Adults. DDC can help you determine the right level of DBS check and guide you through the application process.
The list of specific roles eligible for different levels of DBS checks is updated periodically. For up to date guidance, visit our dedicated check type pages for more information on eligibility. Alternatively, you can find further information directly from the DBS via our links page. You can also email the DBS directly to check for clarification or guidance.
If you are not sure about the roles that employees are undertaking or the guidance from the DBS, you can contact us directly for assistance. It is important that you notify and ask employees to carry out their DBS checks at the correct point in any recruitment process, to ensure no employment laws are contravened.
Only individuals or organisations that are eligible to ask an ‘exempted’ question about an individual’s spent convictions can request Standard and Enhanced Disclosures. Organisations are allowed to ask this question when they are placing the applicant in a restricted role or where the organisation is endorsing the subject to work in a restricted role. It is essential that the organisation has the power to deny the role or endorsement to the subject if the Disclosure is not satisfactory.
Any organisation wishing to complete their due diligence on employees or volunteers can request a Basic Disclosure. A Basic DBS check can be requested on all roles and are not limited to any industry or sector.
For more information about deciding the correct level/type of check to request please see our DBS Regulated Activity webpage.
To start processing your DBS check you can register your organisation for free when you Apply for DBS Checks Online. Whether you have a single office with a few core employees or multiple offices with a multi-tiered organisational structure, our online system will meet your needs and allow you to track your DBS applications from start to finish. We will provide you with support and advice during set-up, and ensure your account settings accommodate your requirements.
If you have any questions or require a bulk of checks to completed. Contact the team today on 0116 260 3055 or newenquiries@ddc.uk.net.