Useful Resources
Below are some links to guidance provided, to assist organisations to decide eligibility for the applicants and the formation of their policies relating to DBS Criminal Records Checks:
- Access NI pin forms – These documents are for applicants who have been asked to complete an Access NI check. Please download the correct form and provide this along with your original documents to your organisations authorised document checker.
- DBS guidance for checking ID documents – This document outlines the DBS’ tiered application routes, and the documents which Umbrella Bodies can accept. This document is periodically updated with new information as the guidance evolves to meet the requirements set out by the Home Office. Any staff members undertaking the ID Checks on behalf of an organisation, or Countersigning Disclosure applications should read and understand this document. The DDC online and paper application methods incorporate these requirements to ensure that anyone administering applications does not need to become proficient with this guidance.
- DBS Category Codes for determining eligibility -This document sets out the different category codes that the DBS use when deciding eligibility for positions. This is the key document for confirming if an employer/endorsing body can request an Enhanced/Standard check on an applicant.
- Regulated Activity guidance provided by the DBS (Children) – This document gives further clarification to the term ‘Regulated Activity’ relating to children, which is important when deciding if a role should be checked at the Enhanced, Standard or Basic level, and which Vetting and Barring List(s) to request. As a document produced in conjunction with the Department for Education it is very useful for any role which involves working in a school, college or further education sites.
- Regulated Activity guidance provided by the DBS (Adults) – This document gives further information about ‘Regulated Activity’ relating to Adults. This was previously termed Regulated Activity with Vulnerable Adults. For any organisations involved with work in Care Homes, Hospitals or Medical Practices this is a very useful document.
Use Our Badge on Your Website
We have created a badge that you can place on your website to reassure your clients and customers that you and your staff have been checked using Due Diligence Checking fully-DBS compliant processes. Below you can download the badge as an image, as well as an example snippet of html code that you might like to use to include the badge in your site.