This page gives information on carrying out DBS checks on your staff and obtaining Disclosures. If your organisation requires criminal record checks on staff because you are undertaking childcare or supervising children, you can Register your organisation now to carry out checks straight away.
Who needs a DBS Check within a Nursery?
You will need to decide what level of check is required on staff members and volunteers.
To assist with this process we have created some webpages relating to Regulated Activity. Many Local Education Authorities will also be able to provide further guidance on the subject so it is well worth contacting them directly (click here to find your local council). Included in this decision making process should be policies on supervision, the opportunity for contact with children and other measures in place to prevent harm.
Some common job roles that you may wish to run checks on include:
- Nursery Teachers
- Nursery Assistants
- Carers
- Lunch-time Supervisors
- Administrative Staff
- Playworkers
OFSTED inspections.
Our systems are designed to easily allow account holders to provide evidence to an OFSTED inspector. Once a DBS check is complete, you will be provided with everything you need to evidence a compliant DBS check. This ‘Preview Disclosure Notice’ is downloadable from the Client Area which can then be stored in personnel files. The ‘Preview Disclosure Notice’ also complies with Data Protection principles to ensure staff members’ personal information is kept safe and secure.
We can also tailor the account to match any recheck policies you have within your organisation to ensure your staff’s DBS checks are kept up to date.
Portability of Disclosures
OFSTED do not currently support the Portability of Disclosures where they are making the employment decision on a Registered Person. However, where the Nursery is checking other non-registered everyday staff this decision is entirely your own. For more information about this topic please read our page on Disclosure Validity.
The DBS have developed the Update Service designed to improve the portability of Certificates. Our FAQ includes a link to using the DBS Update Service which has been written to clarify the process and help you evaluate how to best introduce the service to your organisation.
More than just DBS checks? – Reference checks for Nursery Staff
When hiring new staff for your nursery, it is crucial to conduct comprehensive background screening checks. Professional and independently verified reference checks can assist you in making optimal hiring decisions. With our reference check process, you will never chase a referee again. DDC’s reference checking service will save you time, money, and help safeguard your reputation. Learn more about how we can assist you in managing and obtaining references while verifying employment history.
DDC offers a range of other pre-employment checks, including right to work verification and social media screening. Learn more about how our comprehensive suite of services can support your hiring process and ensure the integrity and suitability of your new hires.
DDC Services:
As an Umbrella Body for the Disclosure and Barring Service, Access Northern Ireland and Disclosure Scotland we can process applications for nurseries across the UK. Our online DBS checking system makes the process easy for applicants to enter their form information and select the documents they intend to present in support of their application. The checking of these documents can then be administered by a single person such as a Nursery Manager or delegated to other team members. Alternatively, applicants can verify their identity using DDC’s digital identity services.
Ask the experts:
If you have any questions or require a bulk of checks to be completed. Contact the team today on 0116 260 3055 or newenquiries@ddc.uk.net.