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Running checks on ministers
All checks for BUGB accredited ministers, as well as BUGB accredited evangelists, pioneers and youth specialists, are to be handled by Association Verifiers and should not be requested by Church Verifiers. This includes ministerial applicants, ministers in training, and retired BUGB accredited ministers who are still actively involved in regulated activities. Ministers will need to arrange for their identity documents to be seen by a verifier from their local Association Team. Similar arrangements apply to nationally recognised pastors and nationally accredited church workers.
Checks for regionally recognised and locally recognised ministers should also be done by Association verifiers. For ministers who are not accredited by either BUGB or the Association DBS checks should be completed by their church verifier.
If you are not sure about your minister’s accreditation status, please ask them in the first instance. If you are still unsure, please contact your Association Team or the BUGB Ministries Team.
Users authorised to request checks upon ministers
Association Verifiers have access to specific accounts for checks on BUGB accredited ministers, and should follow the verification process as normal. Once the checks have been completed you will receive an email to confirm that the process is complete. The BUGB Ministries Team will also be informed when this is issued for their accreditation records.