DDC become members of the PBSA
January 27th, 2020 by Jake Waddingham

DDC has recently become members of the Professional Background Screening Association (PBSA).
What is the Professional Background Screening Association (PBSA)?
The PBSA is a non-profit association established to represent the best interests of organisations offering employment background screening services. Founded in 2003, the initial members wanted to establish a high standard of ethics and performance standards in the background checking industry. The association now has over 800 members sharing best practice for employment background screening, across the UK and internationally.
Why have DDC become members?
In line with DDC’s commitment to continuous improvement, becoming a member of PBSA allows the team to share knowledge on pre-employment checks with other organisations within the industry. It also provides DDC with the opportunity to set best practice principles amongst those committed to delivering the best services to clients and applicants.
As a trade body, the PBSA can represent ‘like minded’ pre-employment checking organisations at major events and discussions on the surrounding legislation. As a full member, this enables DDC to continue to champion the services on offer to clients and expand within the pre-employment screening industry.
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